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How To Open a Swimming Pool

Opening your swimming pool for the season is an exciting task that marks the beginning of warm, sunny days and fun in the water. This process mostly involves undoing all the things done to winterize your pool. Without the proper tools, methods, and know-how, opening your pool can prove to be a difficult task. This step-by-step guide covers all the preparations needed to get your pool ready for the summer. 


  1. What you need
  • Pump
  • Pressure Washer
  • Pool brush
  • Pool net
  • Return eyeballs
  • Pump and heater plugs
  • Other pool accessories
  • Opening/Closing Chemicals: oxidizer, stain and scale remover, and algaecide
  • Tools for pool equipment
  1. Pumping and cleaning the cover
  • For vinyl and tarp covers: there will likely be a lot of water you will have to pump off. You can either use a larger gas-powered trash pump and have it pumped off in a couple of hours or use a sump pump and have the water off in a day or two. While the water pumps off, you’ll need to scoop out all the leaves and brush off the algae on the cover. Some of the algae may not come off with a brush and you’ll need to use a pressure washer. If you have water bags, you can clean them with a pressure washer. Once you’re getting to the last bit of water on the cover you can use either the pool brush or the pressure washer to push the water toward the pump until it’s all gone.
  • Safety Cover: To clean a safety cover, you need only a pressure washer and maybe a pool brush. Use the pressure washer to spray all the debris and stains on the cover and around the springs. If there is a lot of debris, you may need the brush to remove most of it first.
  1. Taking off and folding the cover
  • Vinyl Cover: Start by removing all the clips that are holding the cover in the track. Next, start taking the cover out of the track, with most covers this can be done by pulling the top of the vinyl up, then pushing it into the track, and then pulling up to take it out. As you take the bead out of the track, fold the side/wall on top of the cover to make it float on the surface of the water. On one of the sides of the pool, preferably the smaller side, you can start to fold the cover-up. With 2 people, pull the cover about 6 feet onto your deck, next pick up the cover on the edge of the pool and fold that piece on top of the piece you pulled out, this is called an accordion fold. Repeat this until the cover is out of the pool and folded up along the edge of the pool. Next, make sure the width of the folded cover will fit in your storage bin, if it doesn’t try folding it in half. Then starting at one end roll the cover up and store it in the bin. Often the bin is filled with water to prevent rodents from chewing it.
  • Tarp and Water Bags: Start by emptying the water bags and rolling them up to be stored. With 2 people, pull the cover about 6 feet onto your deck, next pick up the cover on the edge of the pool and fold that piece on top of the piece you pulled out, this is called an accordion fold. Repeat this until the cover is out of the pool and folded up along the edge of the pool. Then starting at one end roll the tarp up and stand it upright to let the last bit of water drain out. Once the tarp is dry, it can be put away.
  • Safety Cover: Start by taking all the cover’s springs off the pegs using the pole that came with the cover. With 2 people, pull the cover about 6 feet onto your deck, next pick up the cover on the edge of the pool and fold that piece on top of the piece you pulled out, this is called an accordion fold. Repeat this until the cover is out of the pool and folded up along the edge of the pool. Then starting at one end roll the tarp up and stand it upright to let the last bit of water to dry out. Once the cover is dry, it can be put away. Lastly, go around the pool and screw down all the pegs.
  1. Remove Plugs and add accessories
  • Remove all the plugs from your returns and skimmer, and any other items used to winterize the pool. 
  • Install the eyeballs into the returns and add the skimmer basket to the skimmer.
  • Reinstall all railings, ladders (with rubber bumpers), steps, lights, and diving board.
  1. Add water
  • Add water to the pool, until the water reaches halfway up the skimmer.
  • With safety covers, the water may be higher than needed. The water can be emptied on waste or pumped out.
  1. Setup pool equipment
  • Reinstall the plugs in the pump (usually two), the gauge and cap on the filter, and the plugs in the heater (one or two).
  • Turn on the power and gas.
  • Light the pilot light in the heater if it’s a standing pilot.
  1. Test Equipment
  • Once everything is set up, you can turn on the pump and see if there are any leaks. Leaks are most common at the plugs, fittings, and unions. If there are leaks, tighten the fitting/plug, and if it’s leaking at a threaded fitting/plug, you may have to add some silicon and/or Teflon tape.
  • Turn on the heater to make sure it fires up.
  1. Add chemicals and clean the pool
  • Once everything is working fine, you can turn on the pump, and add the opening/closing chemicals and any other chemicals that are needed.
  • With safety cover openings you should clean the pool on waste if possible or brush off all the algae in the pool before adding chemicals.
  • When the pool is running and clean, you are ready to swim for the summer.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your pool is clean, safe, and ready for an enjoyable swimming season with family and friends.